Clearing House Mechanism (CHM)

NEMA on behalf of the government of Uganda received financial support from Global Environmental Facility(GEF) through United Nations Environment Program(UNEP) for the development of a National clearing House Mechanism (CHM). The Uganda Clearing House Mechanism (UG-CHM) will be a web based portal designed to facilitate information exchange and utilization amongst all stakeholders in Uganda on Biodiversity.

The Uganda Clearing House Mechanism (UG-CHM) will bring together a huge network of institutions and organisations working on biodiversity. The UG-CHM through the focal point for Uganda will be administered by a dedicated team supported by the various strategic committees established by the national focal institution for technical back-stopping and guidance A global clearing-house mechanism was established under the CBD to promote and facilitate technical and scientific cooperation globally. In the context of the CBD, the CHM designates a network of parties and partners working together to facilitate implementation of the Convention as well as access to and exchange of information on biodiversity around the world.

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