Partnership for Development of Environmental Law and Institutions(PADELIA)

NEMA implemented a Project on “Capacity Building to Alleviate Poverty through Synergistic Implementation of RIO MEAs” managed through the UNEP funded project on Partnership for Development of Environmental Law and Institutions (PADELIA). The project is aimed at increasing Uganda’s capacity to mainstream environment into development strategies in order to promote sustainable development and poverty alleviation. It is against this background that NEMA identified a Consultant to develop a Training Manual on the Application of National Environmental Laws and Policies Implementing Rio MEAs to Poverty Alleviation.

Purpose of the manual

The manual is designed based on a training needs assessment (TNA) of the target audience. Available literature were reviewed, especially study reports of the MEAs and Law project of NEMA, to identify key capacity building areas. The information is complimented with a rapid needs assessment of the target group which involved interviews and stakeholder consultations in selected districts, MEA focal points and selected environment agencies, private sector as well as civil society organizations. The key training needs may be categorized as follows:

  1. Generate a common understanding of the RIO MEAs and the synergies therein
  2. Assist districts to relate the global conventions to the local context/implementation level
  3. Retool and re-orient the existing district personnel in the various disciplines (agriculture, fisheries, environment, enforcement, etc) towards the objectives of the RIO MEAs
  4. Increase understanding and capacity to identify funding opportunities to support implementation of the RIO MEAs at the local level
  5. Enhance understanding of the linkages between environment and poverty alleviation
  6. Enhance understanding of the national environmental laws and policies
  7. Guide district planners and decision makers to mainstream environmental laws and policies into the development agenda for poverty alleviation.
  8. Assist district officials to operationalise environmental concerns at district level for poverty alleviation
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